
Thomas Jefferson And Alexander Hamilton: Anti-federalist And Federalist

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson are both considered founders of America. They were clearly political enemies and had opposing views about governance. America’s history has demonstrated that their coexistence was very important. This paper discusses the similarities and differences among the political, economic, and social philosophies that Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, as well as the republicans. We will also discuss how each faction views slavery.

They shared some similarities but also had differences in governance. Jefferson wanted strong state governments, while Hamilton wanted strong federal government. Hamilton was anti-federalist. Jefferson believed the constitution only gave enumerated powers, while Hamilton believed the constitution had amplified powers. It meant that Hamilton believed people were motivated by their own self-interests so power should be in the hands only of elites. Jefferson disagreed strongly with Jefferson’s view that Hamilton was a British monarchy. Jefferson stated that Jefferson thought that Hamilton was like that monarchy. He also said that power should be in the hands of elites. However, Hamilton felt that Hamilton should have the opportunity to make good decisions since corruption is a natural consequence of elite power. Jefferson opposed Hamilton’s plan for a national banking institution to offer loans to businessmen and provide deposits for federal funds. State banks were a better option. Jefferson was also opposed to the idea of America being a strong, commercial nation with an industrial sector. Jefferson advocated instead for state banks. It was clear that the two could come to an agreement despite all their hatred and differences. They wanted to be independent from England. Both men served in the Revolutionary War for America and felt the freedom for American citizens was their highest priority. They are still considered the founding fathers. They also signed the constitution of America. Jefferson strongly believed in slavery. He felt that blacks were inferior and that it was best to keep them separated. He owned many slaves during his adult life. Hamilton does not have any records that he owned slaves. But, it is documented that he helped in the purchase of slaves. In his later years however, he actively participated in efforts to recruit black soldiers for the army. He was also opposed to slavery during the 1780s. Hamilton and John Jay formed the first New York anti-slavery organization. He supported the Toussaint-Louverture revolution against France in Haiti, which was a result of a slave rebellion.

Conclusion. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton are often referred to as the founding fathers in America for the contributions they made, which we will discuss later. This rivalry was instrumental in shaping America’s history, from the economy and constitution. It was acceptable to have slaves during these years. Thomas Jefferson was the first to bring his slaves to the white house. Hamilton opposed Hamilton’s support of ending the trade, and openly stated that the blacks should have equal rights to whites. In the paper, they discuss their differences, similarities and stand on slavery.


  • georgeolsen

    George Olsen is a 29-year-old education blogger from the United States. George has always been passionate about education, and he started blogging about it in 2010. He has since become one of the most respected education bloggers in the country, and his blog has been featured in a number of major publications. George is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and he currently lives in New York City.


George Olsen is a 29-year-old education blogger from the United States. George has always been passionate about education, and he started blogging about it in 2010. He has since become one of the most respected education bloggers in the country, and his blog has been featured in a number of major publications. George is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and he currently lives in New York City.